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Join Us for the AICLA (Vic) Awards Night – A Night of Celebration and Excellence!

Get ready for an unforgettable evening as we bring together the entire insurance claims industry for our most anticipated event of the year. This prestigious event is a celebration of excellence, professionalism, and community, attended by over 700 industry VIPs from all states and territories.

Be part of the excitement as we honor the outstanding achievements of individuals and companies across five award categories, showcasing the very best in loss adjusting. This is your chance to network with the crème de la crème of the industry, celebrate with peers, and be inspired by the stories of success and innovation.

Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to be part of a night that promises to be filled with glamour, recognition, and unforgettable moments. Secure your tickets now and join us in celebrating the pinnacle of excellence in the loss adjusting industry!

Our thanks to sponsors:


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