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The annual QCC will be held at Tattersall’s Club Brisbane on 7 June.

Registration includes morning tea and lunch.

This half-day event will feature the following topics and speakers:

– The Art of Loss Adjusting – Tony Morgan (Sedgwick)

– An Engineer’s Role in Building Insurance Claims – Karl Aldrich (KMA Consulting Engineers)

– Recoveries in an Insurance Context: A Lawyer’s Perspective – Larissa Sutter (Wotton + Kearney)

– Panel Discussion: Vulnerable Customers – What the Industry Can Do Differently – Kylie MacFarlane (Insurance Council of Australia), Kim Scaysbrook (Sedgwick), Wendy Keeling (Coast to Coast Insurance Brokers), Nicole Wishart (Suncorp) & Moderator: Glyn Lloyd (Charles Taylor Adjusting)

– Making Sense of Cyber: Current Issues in Cyber Security & Insurance – Stan Gallo (BDO)

– A Double Shot of Happiness – Tim & Judy Sharp

For the full program click here.

AICLA CPD: 4 Points


With thanks to sponsors:













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