Who can join AICLA?

To join AICLA, potential members must be working as a loss adjuster, must demonstrate that they have achieved minimum educational standards and must be prepared to abide by the Charter of Objects and Professional Conduct.

They must be committed to improving their skills and knowledge through undertaking modules from the Diploma of Loss Adjusting course and adhering to AICLA’s continuing professional development (CPD) program.

Members are entitled to refer to themselves as Chartered Loss Adjusters on completion of the nine units, CPD accreditation and after a period of practical work experience.

Please note that $110 (inc. GST) application fee applies for all new members.

Benefits of Membership

  • AICLA membership is a privilege. It demonstrates that the adjuster is committed to continually improving and upgrading his/her skills and abilities.
  • Members are governed by a Charter of Objects and Professional Conduct which ensures high professional standards are always maintained.
  • With over 1,000 members throughout Australia, New Zealand, South-East Asia and the Pacific region, AICLA offers networking opportunities among its members.

  • Associates and Fellows who maintain Continuing Professional Development (CPD) accreditation are eligible to use the term “Chartered Loss Adjuster” in recognition of their training and expertise.
  • Divisions host regular specifically designed seminars and workshops on industry issues.
  • AICLA hosts two annual conventions, one in Sydney and the other in Asia, which attract high-profile industry presenters and delegates from many countries.

  • An examination system offered through the Australian & New Zealand Institute of Insurance & Finance (ANZIIF) allows adjusters to undertake loss adjusting specific units from the Diploma of Loss Adjusting course.

  • AICLA members must participate in ongoing training and education through AICLA’s continuing professional development (CPD) program.

  • An electronic newsletter LA News is produced monthly and distributed to members.

  • Members (and others) receive the AICLA diary.

  • The AICLA website keeps members up to date with activities in the divisions and latest changes affecting members.

  • AICLA maintains close relationships with other industry bodies and international loss adjusting organisations.
  • AICLA makes representations to government departments, agencies and associated industry bodies in respect of policies impacting on loss adjusters.

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