LA News is a monthly publication keeping members informed and up to date. It is distributed to members by email. All issues of the newsletter are available from the archives section.
Division News announces any news and important events relevant to your particular division.
AICLA’s annual Convention provides an invaluable opportunity to meet with other Loss Adjusters and learn firsthand of future changes.
August 2023 LA News
This is the final issue of LA News by the current president Glyn Lloyd and in his address he reflects on those who have encouraged and assisted him over the years...... Click here to subscribe to LA News
July 2023 LA News
AICLA is embarking on its busiest and most productive time of the year. Division activities are at a high level through July and August with many notable events taking place..... Click here to subscribe to LA News
June 2023 LA News
It is with great sadness I report the passing of Martyn Norrie, a well-known and highly respected loss adjuster and retired AICLA member. Martyn was CEO of GAB Robins and Cunningham Lindsey in New Zealand for a long period of time..... Click here to subscribe to LA News [...]
May 2023 LA News
After a hiatus of more than three years, ACC23 was held at the JW Marriott in Bangkok on 10 – 12 May. This was an eagerly anticipated event and, although we had high expectations, these were surpassed with a record number of attendees. The previous record held for attendees [...]
April 2023 LA News
ACC23, being held at the JW Marriott Hotel in Bangkok, is almost upon us, and we are delighted to have received a record number of 180 registrations. This is a fantastic effort for the ever-popular Asian Claims Convention since the postponement of our 2020 convention in Kyoto, Japan due [...]
March 2023 LA News
Due to the Covid pandemic, unfortunately we were not able to host the planned Asian Claims Convention in Kyoto, Japan in 2020. We are pleased with the response to the long-overdue ACC23, taking place on 10-11-12 May at the JW Marriott Hotel Sukhumvit Bangkok. ACC23, as is tradition, opens [...]
February 2023 LA News
Welcome all to 2023. I trust you had a pleasurable break and an enjoyable start to the new year. Unfortunately, 2023 has started with major floods causing loss of life in Indonesia (Sumatra, Java and Sulawesi), as well as the North Island of New Zealand which has seen an [...]
December 2022 LA News
As we conclude 2022, I would like to extend my best wishes to our members and fellow industry colleagues and their families over the festive period. 2022 has been a hectic year, with weather activities causing havoc in many countries which in turn has resulted in significant claims activity. Loss [...]
November 2022 LA News
As we race towards the end of 2022, AICLA has had what can only be described as an exceptional year. One of the highlights being the highly successful Claims Convention held in Sydney in late September. Feedback received from sponsors and delegates has been extremely positive, and based on [...]
October 2022 LA News
This year an initiative was introduced, the AICLA Lifetime Achievement Award, to recognise the contribution of longstanding loss adjusters who have given back to the profession over an extended period of time. The award is also designed to... Click here to subscribe to LA News
September 2022 LA News
After months of negotiation and deliberations, it has been unanimously agreed by the AICLA Board that the current CEO, Tony Libke, continue in his role for a period up to 18 months. We wish to thank Mr Libke for deferring retirement and... Click here to subscribe to LA News [...]
August 2022 LA News
August has seen the President’s first visit to the International Division since 2019. There were five members’ meetings in Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Ho Chi Minh City, Bangkok and Jakarta, with presentations from myself, Tony Libke CEO, and... Click here to subscribe to LA News
July 2022 LA News
It is a very busy time of year for AICLA, as all Divisions are in full swing arranging events for the remainder of the year and upcoming Division AGMs. There are a number of Divisions that do not have full committees and I would encourage members to consider... [...]
June 2022 LA News
After almost 32 years of being involved in the stewardship of AICLA and a predecessor body, AILA, it is with regret that unfortunately Tony Libke, the CEO, has announced his retirement from the Institute. Tony was instrumental in bringing AICLA to its current state from... Click here to subscribe [...]
May 2022 LA News
The AICLA Board met on 12 May in a hybrid meeting, with some Directors in attendance in Brisbane and others participating virtually. Important decisions were made at the meeting, and I commend the dedication of Directors for their input and commitment to AICLA...
April 2022 LA News
It is a busy time for AICLA, with the Education and Directors’ meetings being held next month. It is pleasing to note that the majority of Directors will be attending in person, with the remainder participating electronically. The past two years have limited our ability to... [...]