LA News is a monthly publication keeping members informed and up to date. It is distributed to members by email. All issues of the newsletter are available from the archives section.
Division News announces any news and important events relevant to your particular division.
AICLA’s annual Convention provides an invaluable opportunity to meet with other Loss Adjusters and learn firsthand of future changes.
July 2020 LA News
We continue to be confronted with some worrying times during the current COVID-19 pandemic. When we heard of the first few cases of the novel coronavirus in Australia in January 2020, we were optimistic that it would not have such a devastating effect on our lives...
June 2020 LA News
Covid-19 has been well contained in New Zealand, Australia and most Asian countries, however it continues to be a major health threat in a number of countries including India, Indonesia, European countries, USA and Brazil. The challenge for countries that have fared well to date, as they begin to [...]
May 2020 LA News
As we navigate through these never before encountered times and hope that we will never be here again, it is clear that New Zealand, Australia and Asian countries have, to date, more effectively contained the spread of Covid-19 than Europe, USA and South America. The medical crisis has paralysed [...]
April 2020 LA News
COVID 19 is a worldwide health crisis and has led to widespread community hardship and economic challenges for businesses across the world. The insurance sector is monitoring and adjusting its operations by incorporating flexible working conditions and encouraging employees to work from home (WFH)...
March 2020 LA News
No one predicted four weeks ago that we would be in the midst of a pandemic. Every day the number of infected and dying people around the world rises and there seems to be no end in sight. What started as an outbreak in Wuhan province in December 2019 [...]
February 2020 LA News
It has been a devastating summer to date in Australia, with unprecedented bushfires burning uncontrolled for a sustained period in many States. Data available from the Insurance Council of Australia indicates insurance losses are in excess of $2 billion, with over 23,000 claims lodged to date. There has been [...]
December 2019 LA News
Unlike last year when the claims environment was relatively benign, we end 2019 with some major storms in NSW and QLD and unprecedented fires in almost all states of Australia. From discussions with members in New Zealand and Asia, 2019 has been a relatively quiet year for claims. Nothing [...]
November 2019 LA News
Dear Member, How many of us in the insurance industry said, ‘I am going to be a loss adjuster when I grow up’? In fact, how many of us knew what a loss adjuster did? How may Career Councillors in schools and colleagues even know anything about the insurance jobs [...]
October 2019 LA News
Dear Member, the months of September and October are a busy time for AICLA with a number of major activities: the Sydney Claims Convention, 2020 diary, audit and Annual Report, Board Meeting, AGM and a range of Division events. All members should have received a copy of the 2018/19 [...]
September 2019 LA News
Dear Member, the entry of Insuretech and use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in insurance claims processing is still in its infancy and the pace of change may be relatively slow but is inevitable. AI will become a facet of claims handling in the very new future. One Insurer is already [...]
August 2019 LA News
Dear Member, I am pleased that over 200 attendees have been confirmed for CC19 in Sydney on 24 September. If you have not already registered, you still have time to do so by following the link in the Upcoming Events below. There is a good cross-section of delegates attending, [...]
July 2019 LA News
Dear Member, Customer attrition is the biggest threat to an insurer’s profitability. People usually can’t be bothered reviewing their insurance, unless there is a prompt. The top two triggers to churn are a perceived better price and a poor claims experience. A poor claims experience has added impact, because [...]
June 2019 LA News
Dear member, congratulations to well-known and highly respected loss adjuster Trevor Sinclair from South Australia on his elevation to Life Member of AICLA. He joins an elite group who have made a significant contribution to the profession and the Institute, in particular in Trevor’s case, a predecessor body... [...]
May 2019 LA News
Dear member, One of the privileges as President is to visit Divisions and meet members and others involved in the profession. Following the successful Asian Claims Convention held in Phnom Phenh, Cambodia in mid-April, Andrew Khoo, the International Division Chairman, Tony Libke, our Chief Executive, and I met with [...]
April 2019 LA News
Dear Member, Having recently attended the Asian Claims Convention in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, I am pleased to report that this has been a very successful event, with a record number of 142 attendees. ACC is unique, in that, it draws a wide range of claims industry professionals including loss [...]
March 2019 LA News
Dear member, On 4th February, 2019, the Royal Commission into Misconduct in the Banking, Superannuation and Financial Services Industry made a number of recommendations relating to the insurance industry in its Final Report. Recommendation 4.8, was that the “handling and settlement of insurance claims, or potential insurance claims, should [...]