LA News

LA News2024-03-26T00:02:48+00:00

LA News is a monthly publication keeping members informed and up to date. It is distributed to members by email. All issues of the newsletter are available from the archives section.

Division News announces any news and important events relevant to your particular division.

AICLA’s annual Convention provides an invaluable opportunity to meet with other Loss Adjusters and learn firsthand of future changes.

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July 2021 LA News

Another month passes and we are still in the midst of a pandemic, which is creating havoc throughout the world, with a humanitarian crisis and business disruptions due to border controls and lockdowns preventing people from going about their daily lives. The International Division Chairman, Andrew Khoo, reports that [...]

August 4th, 2021|

June 2021 LA News

Unfortunately, across the world we continue to grapple with the disruptive and deadly impact of Covid-19. Australians are facing snap lockdowns in place across various states due to the influx of the more infectious Delta strain. This has a significant impact upon the ability to travel and for adjusters [...]

July 2nd, 2021|

May 2021 LA News

The past two Directors’ Meetings were held virtually due to the ongoing pandemic. I am pleased to advise that on 26 and 27 May we conducted a Directors’ Meeting and Education Meeting, with some attendees in person. Due to travel restrictions and snap lockdowns a number of Directors attended [...]

June 1st, 2021|

April 2021 LA News

Recently, Tony Libke, AICLA CEO and I held meetings in Sydney with insurance industry organisations. Included was NIBA, where we discussed with Dallas Booth a variety of topics of mutual interest, including Hayne Royal Commission legislative reforms, licensing requirements, the decision in the UK in relation to Covid BI [...]

May 1st, 2021|

March 2021 LA News

The hot topic surrounding the profession and that of the industry is in relation to the licensing requirements for Representatives, Authorised Representatives and other parties who are subject to dealing with insurance claims and other insurance services. AICLA has engaged DLA Piper Lawyers to assist in the delivery of guidelines [...]

April 9th, 2021|

November 2020 LA News

The Bill following the Hayne Royal Commission recommendations into misconduct in the financial services sector in Australia was introduced to Parliament on 12 November, with a variety of impacts set to be imposed upon the insurance industry in respect of claims handling and settlements. Although the accompanying Regulations are [...]

December 1st, 2020|
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