LA News is a monthly publication keeping members informed and up to date. It is distributed to members by email. All issues of the newsletter are available from the archives section.
Division News announces any news and important events relevant to your particular division.
AICLA’s annual Convention provides an invaluable opportunity to meet with other Loss Adjusters and learn firsthand of future changes.
August 2017 L.A. News
Dear Member, Although New Zealand and Australia are quiet at the moment in relation to new claims from Tropical Cyclones, we are still dealing with the aftermath of Cyclones Debbie & Cook, and winter storms. Parts of Asia have just been hit by back to back storms, with Typhoon Hato [...]
July 2017 L.A. News
Dear Member, Over recent months I have attended a few different events and one of the topics for discussion has been technology, and what the future looks like for loss adjusting. If I had the answer I’d be an expensive consultant and not a loss adjuster, but there have been [...]
June 2017 L.A. News
Dear Member, The second quarter is a busy time; in the last few months we have had the Asian Claims Convention and the President’s trip to various Asian countries to see members. I also visited London to visit clients, but took the opportunity to meet with the President of CILA, [...]
May 2017 L.A. News
Dear Member, Last month I conveyed to you the events of the Asian Claims Convention in Ho Chi Minh City, one of our most successful conferences ever, with almost 130 delegates. It only takes a day or two to rest from one conference before we turn our minds to the [...]
April 2017 L.A. News
Dear Member, I have just finished attending the 6th Asian Claims Convention, held this year in Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam. It was an excellent conference with 127 attendees from 15 countries. The venue was stunning, the hotel staff was friendly and efficient, and the food was excellent – [...]
March 2017 L.A. News
Dear Member, Everyone is talking about technology – it makes sense, our lives are more and more driven by technological advancements. I can remember when we got our first computer at home, and when I started as a loss adjuster there were no computers on desks, typing was all done [...]
February 2017 L.A. News
Dear Member, We are well into another year. I hope that everyone had a chance to take a break and refresh themselves, particularly with friends and family. I had a good break in the US with family and can now look forward to the challenges of the next few months. [...]