LA News

LA News2024-03-26T00:02:48+00:00

LA News is a monthly publication keeping members informed and up to date. It is distributed to members by email. All issues of the newsletter are available from the archives section.

Division News announces any news and important events relevant to your particular division.

AICLA’s annual Convention provides an invaluable opportunity to meet with other Loss Adjusters and learn firsthand of future changes.

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February 2019 LA News

Dear member, As reported in an email recently, AICLA and ANZIIF have entered a new seven-year agreement for the continued delivery of the Diploma of Loss Adjusting. This long-term contract cements the close relationship between ANZIIF and AICLA for the training and education of professional loss adjusters. The current [...]

February 28th, 2019|

November 2018 LA News

Dear Member, The emerging market in insurance is cyber security. As computer processes, cloud computing and the internet of things (IOT) continue to change our lives, it's certain that insurers will offer expanded protections against these new classes of risk. The question is our sector moving fast enough to develop [...]

November 29th, 2018|

September 2018 LA News

This is my last newsletter as President and caps the end of a very successful month. The highlight was the AICLA/ANZIIF Sydney Claims Convention, which had approximately 300 people in attendance.  I particularly enjoyed being able to present Haryo Suseno, Melanie Richardson and Paul McConnell their awards for outstanding academic [...]

October 2nd, 2018|

August 2018 LA News

I have recently been reflecting on the role of the loss adjuster; the independent (?) and impartial (?) facilitator of the claim, sitting between the insurer and the insured. Are we independent and are we impartial?  Leaving aside the legal distinction of independence and who pays our fees, I think [...]

August 31st, 2018|

July 2018 LA News

Dear Member, One of the interesting parts of being President is setting the question for the Carey Bird Scholarship and then being on the marking panel for the submitted essays. This year we had a record nine entries. As you may recall, Carey Bird was a loss adjuster working in [...]

July 31st, 2018|

June 2018 LA News

Dear member, It is pleasing to open my newsletter this month by telling you that we received nine entries into the Carey Bird scholarship essay.  That is a record number of entries and, I like to think, is an encouraging sign for members’ willingness to undertake research and better [...]

June 28th, 2018|

May 2018 LA News

Dear Member, April and May are probably the busiest months for AICLA. Last month I discussed the Asian Claims Convention held in April, and the subsequent visit to various centres in Asia to meet with members. Both activities were very successful and it was pleasing to be able to [...]

June 6th, 2018|
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